In February, 2022, the Ukrainian war burst upon the world resulting in millions of internally displaced people.

In the winter of 2023 with attacks occurring every week on Ukrainian power infrastructure many faced the prospect of a long cold and potentially life-threatening winter with little support.

Ottawa Rotary clubs and other district 7040 clubs together with community partners responded.  A fund raising drive was initiated to provide the Rotary Club of Kharkiv with funds to purchase blankets for the needy local populace.


Ukraine Blanket Poster Feb 2023Locally made in Ukraine by sewing enterprise Kentyar, the blankets are of 3-layer waterproof construction. Close to $90,000 was raised.

After manufacture the blankets are distributed directly to people living in difficult circumstances in the region.

Whether in their own cold homes or in the subway and other collective heating points, these blankets are warmly appreciated. 

Unfortunately the lives of many people in Eastern Ukraine will continue to be exceedingly difficult. Fund raising continues to try to provide much needed help. Contact your local Ottawa area Rotary Club if you wish to make a donation to make an impact in the lives of people in war-torn Ukraine.

Ukranians with Blankets