Rotary is active in many ways, helping Africans to realize their development aspirations. In addition to the many significant projects of local clubs, Rotary International's Polio Eradication Initiative and Charitable Foundation are very active in the region. Here are several examples.
In 2020 the WHO reported that polio eradication efforts to date in Africa have have spared up to 1.8 million children from crippling life-long paralysis, and saved approximately 180,000 lives. As an example of specific impact Rotary International partnered with the Nigerian government providing financial and technical support to reduce polio cases from over 1,000 in 2009 to just four in 2020.
Rotary International has supported several projects in Africa that provide access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Currently in Uganda, one in four people lack access to clean, safe water. Women and children will walk on average 3km, and spend six hours a day fetching dirty water. Waterborne diseases like Typhoid Fever can cost months of wages for necessary medicines in addition to resulting in lost time at school or work. Rotary International has funded the construction of water boreholes and sanitation facilities in schools and rural communities to lift up the lives of community members, not only in terms of health, but economic productivity and well being.
In support of Rotary's focus area of Education, RI provides scholarships and vocational training to young people in Africa. Although Tanzania has made progress in access and equity in education, educational quality, particularly in the early grades remains a challenge. Only 5.4% of early grade students read with comprehension as of 2022. Rotary International provides ongoing assistance in construction of schools, teacher training, and the distribution of textbooks to schools in rural areas.
To promote peace and understanding in Kenya, Rotary International has sponsored programs that brings together young people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds to promote dialogue and understanding.
Local Ottawa club members are encouraged to donate to a minimum of $100 to the Rotary Foundation annually.
In addition to supporting RI, local Ottawa clubs work directly with African Rotary clubs on a number of initiatives. Here are just three examples.
Keeping Girls in School: Several local clubs provide reusable feminine hygiene pads to girls in Ghana and Uganda. In much of sub-Saharan Africa, less than half of girls have access to the basics, leading many girls to drop out of school.
The Agnes Zimbali Boys and Girls Club: The Rotary Club of Nepean-Kanata provides support and fundraises for AZBGC. The purpose of AZBGC is to help children living in poverty remain in school and reach their full potential.
By providing awareness about HIV/AIDS, AZBGC strengthens the capacity of youth to manage the challenges they face and access basic health care service. Participation in club sports and youth leadership workshops builds self esteem and fosters community engagement.
Distance Learning and Career Coaching: Adventure in High Technology organizers sponsor the participation of six students from Uganda and Ghana annually. Fully engaged, active participants, these students often find the experience to be transformative, opening their eyes to many possibilities.